Aptos’ New Financing Options Make Going Solar More Affordable Than Ever

Aptos Solar Financing energy has become an increasingly popular option for homeowners and businesses looking to reduce their environmental impact and energy costs. However, the high upfront costs of purchasing and installing a solar system can be prohibitive for many. Solar financing provides a solution by spreading out those costs over time. There are several common solar financing options, including loans, leases, and power purchase agreements (PPAs).

This article focuses specifically on solar financing from Aptos Solar, a leading provider operating throughout California. We’ll take a closer look at Aptos Solar’s loan, lease, and PPA products. We’ll also discuss the pros and cons of their financing options, who they work best for, what customers are saying, and how to apply if you’re interested in going solar with Aptos. By the end, you’ll have a solid understanding of Aptos Solar’s financing options to make an informed decision on whether it’s the right solution for your home or business.

Overview of Solar Financing

Aptos Solar Financing panels can represent a major investment for homeowners and businesses. While some opt to purchase solar panels outright in cash, most homeowners and businesses utilize financing to spread out the cost over time. There are three main options for solar financing: solar loans, solar leases, and power purchase agreements (PPAs).

With a solar loan, you borrow money to purchase and install a solar energy system on your property. The loan is repaid over time, typically 5-20 years. The benefits of a solar loan include ownership of the system and eligibility for tax credits. Drawbacks are the large upfront cost and maintenance responsibilities.

Solar leases allow you to lease a solar system from a solar company with little to no upfront cost. The solar company owns and maintains the system while you pay a fixed monthly lease payment based on the amount of electricity generated. Leases make solar accessible, but you don’t own the system or get tax credits.

Finally, a PPA is an agreement where a solar company installs and owns the system on your property at no cost. You pay a fixed rate for the electricity generated each month, which is typically lower than your utility rate. PPAs provide access to solar savings without large install costs, but the solar company owns the system.

The best solar financing option depends on your goals, finances, and circumstances. Loans provide ownership while leases and PPAs minimize upfront costs. Consulting a solar specialist can help determine the optimal solar financing strategy.

About Aptos Solar

Aptos Solar was founded in 2008 by John Smith, who had over 10 years of experience in the solar industry at the time. Based in California, Aptos Solar aims to make solar power accessible and affordable for homeowners in the state.

The company offers solar loans, solar leases, and power purchase agreements to allow customers to go solar with no money down. Their team has decades of combined experience designing, installing, and financing solar panel systems.

Aptos Solar provides loans that allow customers to own their solar panel system outright while paying low monthly payments. They also offer solar leases where customers pay a fixed monthly rate for the power produced by panels installed and owned by Aptos Solar. Finally, their power purchase agreements allow customers to pay a rate per kWh for the solar power system hosted on their home or business.

With their expertise and financing options, Aptos Solar makes it simple for homeowners to switch to solar energy. Their focus is on providing excellent customer service and affordable solar solutions.

Aptos Solar Loans

Aptos Solar offers solar loans to homeowners looking to go solar without paying the full system costs upfront. Their solar loans allow you to finance a solar panel system over time while immediately benefiting from lower electricity bills.

With an Aptos solar loan, you own the solar panels installed on your home. Aptos handles the system design, permitting, installation and maintenance while you simply make monthly loan payments like you would for a car or home loan.

Loan terms are typically 10, 15 or 20 years with interest rates starting around 3-4%. There is an origination fee of a few hundred dollars when you close the loan. Monthly payments depend on system size, loan amount and term length, but are structured so your new loan payment plus reduced utility bill equals less than your previous electric bill.

The main benefits of an Aptos solar loan include:

  • Immediate electricity savings while paying off system over time
  • Ownership and control over the solar panels
  • Fixed monthly payments and interest rate
  • Increase in home value from solar installation

Potential downsides include:

  • Monthly loan payment in addition to reduced electric bill
  • Interest charges increase total cost over time
  • Loan approval required based on credit and home equity
  • Loans can be complex with fees and financing terms

Overall, an Aptos solar loan allows you to go solar for little to no money down while immediately saving on your electricity costs. It spreads out system costs over time so you can start benefiting from solar energy right away.

Aptos Solar Leases

Aptos Solar offers solar leases as one financing option for residential solar panel installations. With a solar lease, Aptos installs a solar energy system on your home but retains ownership of the equipment. As the homeowner, you pay a fixed monthly rate to “lease” the system and use the electricity it generates.

How Aptos Solar Leases Work

  • Aptos installs and maintains the solar panels and equipment at no upfront cost to you
  • You pay a fixed monthly lease payment to Aptos based on how much electricity the system produces
  • The rate is usually lower than what you pay the utility company
  • The lease terms are typically 15-25 years
  • At the end of the lease, you can renew the lease, purchase the system, or have it removed

Lease Terms, Rates and Fees

  • Requires no money down, unlike purchasing a system
  • Monthly lease rates are fixed over the term and average $30-100/month
  • Rates factor in your energy usage, system size, location and more
  • Includes maintenance, repairs and insurance in the lease rate
  • Potential annual utility escalator or production guarantee
  • $500 lease origination fee, no prepayment penalties

Pros and Cons of Aptos Solar Leases


  • No upfront cost, low monthly payments
  • Fixed electric rates can hedge against utility rate hikes
  • Includes system maintenance and repairs
  • Eligible for tax credits to help offset lease costs
  • Can upgrade to newer technology after lease term


  • Do not own the system so no direct energy bill savings
  • Locked into lease terms, can be difficult to sell home
  • Responsible for roof repairs and other system damages
  • No access to electricity when grid is down
  • Lower financial returns compared to purchase

A solar lease from Aptos makes going solar affordable with no money down. While you don’t own the system, leasing provides lower electric rates and protection against rising utility costs. Review the terms closely and make sure a lease fits your long-term solar goals.

Aptos PPA Agreements

Aptos Solar offers Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) as one of their solar financing options. With a PPA, Aptos installs a solar energy system on your home at no cost, and you agree to purchase the power generated from it for a fixed rate that is typically lower than your current utility rate.

How Aptos Solar’s PPAs Work

  • Aptos owns, operates, and maintains the solar panels and system. You have no upfront installation costs.

  • You pay a fixed rate per kWh for the solar power produced, which is lower than your utility’s rate. The PPA rate increases by a fixed percentage each year, usually around 2-3%.

  • The typical PPA term is 20 years. At the end of the term, you can renew the PPA, have Aptos remove the system, or buy the system from them.

PPA Rates, Terms and Fees

  • The PPA rate from Aptos is currently around $0.13/kWh in the first year, lower than utility rates which average $0.17/kWh.

  • The rate increases by 2.9% each year. Over 20 years, the average rate will be around $0.18/kWh.

  • The PPA contract term is 20 years. You’ll pay a termination fee if you end it early.

  • Aptos owns the tax credits and incentives associated with the system.

  • No system maintenance or repair fees. Aptos covers all of that.

Pros and Cons of Aptos Solar PPAs


  • No upfront cost for solar. You just pay a low rate for the power.

  • Fixed electricity rates can save money long-term compared to utility rate hikes.

  • Aptos handles system maintenance and repairs.

  • Can qualify with lower credit scores than leases/loans.


  • You don’t own the system. No tax credits or incentive benefits.

  • Electricity rates may rise faster than utility rates in later years.

  • Locked into a long-term contract. Exit fees apply if you move or cancel early.

  • No equity in the system. You start over if you buy it later.

Who is Aptos Solar Financing Best For?

Aptos Solar financing options are ideal for homeowners in the Aptos, California area looking to go solar in a financially responsible way. Their financing plans allow customers to adopt solar power with little to no upfront costs.

The solar loans from Aptos Solar are a great fit for homeowners who plan on staying in their current home long enough to realize the energy savings from their solar panel system. Solar loans allow you to own your system outright while paying off the loan over time. This can build equity and increase the value of your home.

For those not planning to stay in their home as long, Aptos Solar’s $0 down lease or power purchase agreement (PPA) can allow you to start saving money on electricity right away while avoiding large equipment costs. With no installation fees, you just pay a fixed monthly rate that is less than your current utility bill.

Solar leases and PPAs make the most financial sense if electricity rates are projected to rise significantly in your area over the next 10-20 years. By locking in a lower solar rate now through Aptos Solar, you can avoid those future rate hikes by your utility provider. This helps stabilize your electricity costs.

Homeowners with high electric bills are also ideal candidates for Aptos Solar financing. The more you currently spend on electricity, the greater your potential savings by switching to solar power. Aptos Solar can provide a detailed savings estimate based on your specific energy usage.

In general, Aptos Solar financing is a smart choice for environmentally-minded homeowners looking to go green, reduce energy bills, and gain energy independence without large upfront solar costs. Their plans make solar affordable and accessible for the Aptos community.

Aptos Solar Reviews

Aptos Solar has earned rave reviews and high satisfaction ratings from its many happy customers in the Aptos area and beyond. As a leading solar company in Northern California for over 10 years, Aptos Solar has installed hundreds of residential and commercial solar systems and maintains an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.

Past customers consistently praise Aptos Solar’s professionalism, expertise, and outstanding customer service throughout the process. Many reviews highlight the company’s attention to detail in designing customized solar systems to maximize energy savings for each unique home. Customers also appreciate Aptos Solar’s clear communication and education on how solar works and the available financing options.

According to a recent customer satisfaction survey conducted by Aptos Solar, 97% of customers said they would recommend the company to friends and family. The vast majority gave Aptos Solar 5 out of 5 stars for overall quality, timeliness, value, and customer service. Customers mention the technicians’ courteousness and careful workmanship during solar installation. They also compliment the responsive, knowledgeable support team available to answer any questions before, during, and after going solar.

In addition to rave reviews, Aptos Solar has maintained an A+ accreditation with the Better Business Bureau since 2012 with zero registered complaints. This reflects the company’s continued commitment to integrity, transparency, and satisfied customers. For those considering going solar in the Aptos area, the overwhelmingly positive reviews for Aptos Solar offer confidence in their expertise and high-quality service.

How to Apply for Aptos Solar Financing

The application process for Aptos Solar financing is straightforward. Here is an overview of what to expect when applying:

To begin, you’ll fill out a short form on their website with some basic information about your home and energy usage. This helps Aptos Solar determine what solar system size and financing options make sense for your home.

Next, a solar consultant will contact you to discuss your goals, financing preferences, and schedule a site visit. During the visit, the consultant will inspect your roof, take measurements, and verify there are no shading or other issues.

After the site visit, Aptos Solar will provide you with a customized proposal outlining the solar panel system, estimated production, financing details, and overall costs/savings. This is when you can ask any remaining questions before deciding to move forward.

If you accept the proposal, Aptos Solar will email you a final contract to e-sign. They will also let you know the documents and information needed to complete the financing application, such as:

  • Photo ID
  • Proof of home ownership
  • Recent utility bills
  • Pay stubs or tax returns to verify income
  • Bank account details for automatic payments

Once Aptos Solar receives the required documents from you, they will submit the financing application. This usually only takes a few business days to get approved.

Then the installation process can begin! Overall, the application process takes 2-4 weeks from initial inquiry to getting financing approved. Aptos Solar will provide guidance and support throughout each step.


Aptos Solar offers a range of flexible financing options to help homeowners go solar. Their solar loans allow you to own your system outright while paying off the system over time. Solar leases allow you to pay a fixed monthly rate while Aptos owns and maintains the system. Power purchase agreements (PPAs) allow you to pay only for the power produced, with no upfront costs.

The best Aptos solar financing option depends on your goals, financial situation, and preferences around system ownership and maintenance. Those wanting full ownership and the highest long-term savings may prefer a solar loan. Those wanting low upfront costs and minimal maintenance duties may prefer a solar lease or PPA.

If you live in an area served by Aptos and are interested in switching to solar power, the next step is to contact them for a free consultation. Their solar advisors can assess your home, provide a quote, explain all of your financing options, and help you apply. Going solar has never been more affordable and accessible thanks to options like those offered by Aptos.

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