10 Remote Education Jobs You Can Do in Your PJs

Remote education jobs involve teaching, training, tutoring, or providing instructional services and materials to students remotely, rather than in a traditional classroom setting. These jobs have grown significantly in recent years due to advances in technology and the increased demand for flexible education options.

Remote education positions provide great flexibility, as educators can work from home or any location with an internet connection. This allows teachers to create their own schedules, work from anywhere, and avoid commutes. It also expands opportunities beyond local schools and opens up teaching positions for those unable to work on-site.

While remote teaching offers advantages like flexibility and expanded opportunities, it also comes with challenges. Educators must be self-motivated, disciplined, and comfortable with technology. Building connections and rapport with students can be more difficult remotely. Technical issues and distractions at home can disrupt teaching. Despite these hurdles, remote education jobs remain popular due to the lifestyle benefits. With proper preparation, these challenges can be overcome.

Overall, remote education jobs provide a flexible and convenient way for educators to share their skills and knowledge. The growth of online learning and demand for alternative education options will likely lead to continued expansion of remote teaching roles. Educators should weigh the pros and cons to determine if this career path aligns with their goals and strengths. With the right fit, remote teaching can be an incredibly rewarding experience.

Types of Remote Education Jobs

The education field offers a wide variety of remote working opportunities beyond just teaching in a virtual classroom. Here are some of the most common types of remote education jobs:


Remote teaching generally falls into two categories: synchronous and asynchronous.

Synchronous teaching involves live video sessions with students, similar to an in-person classroom. Teachers can interact with students in real time, answer questions, provide feedback, and guide learning. Platforms like VIPKid connect teachers with students learning English around the world for online tutoring and lessons.

Asynchronous teaching utilizes pre-recorded lessons, discussion boards, and assignments that students complete on their own schedule. Teachers provide guidance, feedback, and support, but without real-time interaction. Many online high schools and universities use asynchronous methods.

Curriculum Development

Remote curriculum developers and instructional designers create educational content and courses for schools, universities, and education companies. This involves outlining lessons, developing assignments, writing teaching scripts, creating assessments, and structuring engaging learning experiences.

EdTech Companies

Education technology companies build software, apps, and tools to enhance online learning. Remote jobs include coding, programming, graphic design, writing, marketing, and more. EdTech aims to make virtual education more effective, interactive, and accessible.

Online Learning Platforms

There are openings for remote work on popular online learning platforms like Udemy, Coursera, edX, and Outschool. Instructors can teach specialized courses in their subject area to reach a wide range of students. Other remote roles involve content development, community management, social media, and student support.

Benefits of Remote Education Jobs

Remote education jobs offer many advantages that make them an attractive option for those looking to teach or train others. Some of the key benefits include:

Flexible Schedule/Location – One of the best perks of remote education jobs is the ability to set your own schedule and work from wherever you want. This flexibility allows you to create a schedule that fits your lifestyle, caregiving responsibilities, or other needs. You also aren’t tied to living near a physical workplace.

Avoid Commute – Working remotely means avoiding the time, cost, and frustration of commuting. This eliminates a major pain point for many educators who work on-site. The time savings can be used for your teaching prep or other priorities.

Potentially Higher Pay – Some remote education roles pay more than comparable on-site jobs. There is high demand for remote teachers and trainers. Companies can also save on real estate costs with remote staff and pass some savings to employees through compensation.

More Opportunities – The remote work trend has opened up education job possibilities that previously didn’t exist. You’re no longer limited to local school districts or training companies. There are now far more remote education jobs to apply for across the country or even globally.

Challenges of Remote Education Jobs

Working in remote education comes with some unique challenges that need to be considered. Here are some of the main difficulties remote educators may face:

Technological Requirements

Having reliable technology is crucial for remote teaching. Educators need a strong internet connection and devices that can handle video conferencing platforms. Technical issues like lag, disruptions, or sound problems can negatively impact lessons. Teachers must be prepared to troubleshoot basic tech problems.

Time Management

Without coworkers and supervisors nearby, it’s easier to procrastinate. Remote educators have to be self-motivated and manage their time well. Setting a schedule and having a dedicated workspace helps. However, it still requires discipline to stay on task when working alone.

Less In-Person Interactions

Building connections with students can be harder remotely. Nonverbal cues get lost through a screen. There are fewer opportunities for incidental social interactions. This can make remote teaching feel more isolated. Educators need strategies to foster student engagement and relationships.

Need for Self-Motivation

There is more autonomy in working remotely, but also less structure and oversight. Educators have to take initiative in their own learning and professional development. Without peers and mentors down the hall, it takes discipline to stay motivated. Remote workers need to be self-driven.

Skills Needed

Working in remote education requires a specific set of skills that allow teachers and professors to be effective educators in an online environment. Here are some of the most important skills for remote education jobs:

Communication Skills

With remote teaching, strong communication skills become even more vital. Since there is less in-person interaction, remote educators need to be able to clearly convey ideas, instructions, feedback, and interpersonal connections through written and verbal communication. Being an engaging communicator helps create an interactive online classroom.

Tech Savvy

Having a high comfort level with technology and learning new programs quickly is essential for remote education. Teachers need to be able to troubleshoot basic tech issues, utilize videoconferencing tools, and manage online classrooms and materials confidently. Staying up-to-date on new ed tech developments is also important.

Time Management

Working remotely requires excellent time management abilities. Without being in a structured school environment, remote teachers must be self-directed in planning lessons, grading, collaborating with colleagues, communicating with students and parents, and accomplishing daily tasks. Strong organization and productivity help ensure duties don’t fall through the cracks.


Succeeding as a remote educator requires high self-motivation levels. There is less oversight when working from home, so remote teachers need to be disciplined and driven to complete their responsibilities without much supervision. Having the internal motivation to stick to schedules, meet deadlines, and deliver excellent instruction is crucial.

Finding Remote Education Jobs

With the rise of remote work over the past few years, there are now more opportunities than ever for remote education jobs. Here are some of the best places to search for open remote positions in education:

Job Search Sites

Mainstream job sites like Indeed, LinkedIn, and ZipRecruiter can be great places to find remote education jobs posted by a wide range of employers. You can search for location “remote” on these sites to filter for telecommuting roles. Some job sites specifically dedicated to remote work like FlexJobs, Remote.co and We Work Remotely also frequently post remote education roles.

Professional Associations

Many professional associations like the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers have job boards where remote opportunities are posted. Checking association sites you already belong to can be a good way to find tailored openings.

School District Sites

Even if a school district doesn’t advertise a remote opening widely, they may post it on their own site’s careers page. Browsing openings directly on school district sites in locations you’d be interested in working can uncover hidden remote gems. Some districts may be open to hiring remotely even if not stated outright.

Social Media

Networking through social media can alert you to unposted remote education opportunities. Follow relevant hashtags like #remoteeducationjobs and connect with remote education groups on LinkedIn and Facebook. Check that your own social media profiles advertise your interest in remote work so contacts can reach out.

Leveraging multiple platforms and sources gives you the best chance of finding an ideal remote education role. Persistence and creativity in your search are key – the more effort you put in, the more likely you’ll uncover the perfect remote teaching or administration position.

Interviewing Tips

Interviewing for a remote education job comes with its own unique considerations compared to an in-person interview. Here are some tips to help you make a great impression:

Test equipment beforehand – Don’t leave anything to chance on interview day. Do test calls on the platform you’ll be interviewing through, and check your internet connection speed, webcam, and microphone. Make sure you have the latest software updates installed and that your equipment is working properly.

Prepare your interview space – Create a professional-looking background and remove any distractions. Make sure there’s adequate lighting so you are visible. Use an external webcam if your laptop isn’t high resolution. Test out sitting positions so you remain centered on the camera.

Practice video interviewing – Get comfortable talking to a camera instead of a person. Maintain eye contact by looking directly at the camera when speaking. Have notes nearby to glance at discreetly. Record yourself and play it back to see how you come across. Get feedback from others through practice interviews.

Proper preparation and practicing will help you come across as a confident, qualified candidate in your remote video interview. Treat it just as seriously as an in-person one and focus on highlighting your skills and experience for the job. Convey enthusiasm and interest in the role and company. With some practice, video interviews can help you land that ideal remote education job.

Performing Well in a Remote Education Job

One of the biggest challenges of working remotely in education is staying productive and engaged. Here are some tips to help you thrive in a remote education role:

Create a Schedule/Routine

When you don’t have set hours in an office, it’s crucial to create structure for yourself. Make a schedule that designates work hours and break times. Having a routine will help you stay focused. Try to wake up, start work, take lunch, and end work at consistent times.


Working remotely means you lack the organic conversations that happen in an office. Make up for this by over-communicating with your manager and colleagues. Check-in frequently, provide updates, ask questions, and share your availability. Proactively communicating prevents misalignments.

Leverage Productivity Tools

Take advantage of technology that enables productivity when working remotely. Collaboration apps like Slack or Microsoft Teams allow quick communication. Project management tools like Asana or Trello help you organize tasks and deadlines. And time trackers like Toggl can help you stay on track with your schedule.

Don’t Overwork

One risk of remote work is letting your job bleed into all hours of the day. Set boundaries and don’t exceed your scheduled work hours. Take real breaks where you step away from your computer. Make time for exercise, family, and hobbies. Don’t burn yourself out.

Career Development

With remote work, it can be easy to feel isolated and miss out on opportunities for career development. However, there are ways to continue growing professionally as a remote educator:

  • Continue learning and professional development. Look for online courses, certifications, workshops, and other learning opportunities. Stay on top of new educational technologies, methods, and trends. Read books and articles related to your field. Having a learning mindset is key for remote workers.

  • Network online. Attend virtual conferences and events. Join online communities, groups, and forums related to your role. Use social media to connect with other professionals. LinkedIn and Twitter can be valuable for networking remotely. Share your expertise and learn from others.

  • Seek leadership roles. Look for ways to take on more responsibility remotely. Volunteer for committees or working groups. Offer to mentor new hires or less experienced colleagues. Seek out leadership roles that allow you to use and develop skills like project management, communication, and strategic thinking.

Taking proactive steps to continue growing will ensure your career as a remote educator stays vibrant, fresh, and headed in the right direction. The remote context provides unique development opportunities—you just have to seek them out.

Future Outlook

The future looks bright for remote education jobs. With the increased adoption of remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, remote teaching positions are projected to grow substantially in the coming years.

Many schools and organizations have realized the benefits and legitimacy of remote learning and are making long-term investments in tools, tech, and training to support virtual classrooms. Remote teaching is becoming a standard, accepted option rather than a temporary workaround.

New innovations in educational technology are also supporting the growth of remote teaching roles. Video conferencing, learning management systems, AI tutors, virtual reality, and other tech tools are making remote instruction more effective and engaging. As these technologies advance, virtual teaching will become even more immersive and productive.

Remote education is gaining permanence as companies, schools, and organizations recognize its advantages, including flexibility, scalability, and access. Remote jobs teaching roles are shedding their reputation as temporary or inferior. With proper training and support, remote instructors can facilitate active learning and collaboration.

The future is bright for those interested in remote education careers. These roles are projected to see strong growth and innovation. Remote teaching is becoming a respected, legitimate fixture of the educational landscape.

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